Bus from Coimbatore to Tirupati

A convenient mode of travel while commuting from Tirupati to Coimbatore is by taking a bus. The time taken to complete the bus journey is dependent on traffic, roads and climatic conditions.The bus companies adopt safety measures while running their buses from Tirupati and Coimbatore. The smooth availability of bus service creates travel convenience for many people travelling from Tirupati to Coimbatore.

If you are also looking for return checkout, please ensure to check Coimbatore to Tirupati Bus.

Operators Serving on this Route

A number of efficient operators run buses from Tirupati to Coimbatore. They ensure a supply of trustworthy, punctual and comfortable bus services. Mentioned below are the list of bus operators providing different types of buses from Tirupati to Coimbatore :

Coimbatore to Tirupati Package Tour Bus Service
It is a breeze travelling from Coimbatore to Tirupati Package Tour by bus, thanks to a robust bus network and frequency.The connectivity is provided by state-owned as well as private operators who have a fleet of Volvo, Volvo City, Volvo Multi Axle, Mercedes Benz, Mercedes Benz Multi Axle, Corona sleeper in AC and non-AC buses

Tirupati Tour Package from Coimbatore By Bus

DAY 1 : COIMBATORE – TIRUPATI – Tirupati tour package Coimbatore Bus

06:00 PM – Depart Coimbatore to Tirupati by BUS.
Customer can also board from Tiruppur, Erode and Salem


05:00 AM – Arrive Tirupati – fresh up at Hotel – Breakfast
08:30 AM – Proceed to Tirumala (Tonsure – if required) – Darshan of Lord
Balaji – on completion – proceed to Tirupati – Lunch – Proceed to
Kalahasti – Alamelu Mangapuram
08:30 PM – Depart Tirupati to Coimbatore

DAY 3 : Tirupati – Coimbatore (Completion of Tirupati tour package from Coimbatore )

06:30 AM – Arrive Coimbatore
Yatra ends with Blessings
Tour cost : Rs. 3,500/- per head (AC Sleeper)

Inclusions :

AC Semi sleeper or AC sleeper Transport (Coimbatore to Tirupati), Breakfast and Lunch on Day 2,, Seegara Darshan ticket at Tirumala with Laddus, Guide at Tirupati

Exclusions :

Tips, Porterages, Dinner, Any special entry tickets, Mineral water, and those not mentioned in the “INCLUSION” Head
Tirupati tour package Coimbatore Bus – Book your Tirupati Bus tour package Coimbatore – Sleeper and Semi Sleeper Bus package – We also operate Bus package to Tirupati from Trichy, Erode to Tirupati package, Madurai to Tirupati package, Tiruppur to Tirupati, Chennai to Tirupati etc.